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What makes me different?

Jessie is a dual credentialed Registered Physiotherapist and Certified Athletic Therapist with over 10 years’ experience.

She specializes in working with First Reponders/Tactical Athletes and Athlete populations as a whole.

Her background in Athletic Therapy plus Physiotherapy allows her to see rehab, recovery, prevention and maintenance from a different perspective. Every individual is an athlete in their own right. Everyone deserves to stay as active as possible throughout injury recovery and everyone can benefit from some form of maintenance plan.

She understands mental & physical demands of work and sport and the impact all aspects of life can have on injury, pain and function.

Jessie Athletic Therapist Physiotherapist


Airdrie Community Votes 2023

Jessie was nominated by her community and won Gold status in the category of Best Physio & Rehab Clinic in Airdrie.

Thank you to everyone in my community who voted and continue to support me.

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